Policy on Temporary Structure – Adopted February 8, 2017
The SHOA Board of Directors defines a temporary structure to be a structure that meets any one of the following criteria:

 1   The structure does not have a permanent foundation.
 2   The structure was designed to be easily assembled and disassembled.
 3   The structure has a roof and/or walls made of fabric or plastic.


Any outdoor structure that meets any one or more of the above criteria must be located in the backyard and can only remain assembled and in place for a period not to exceed 3 months from the time of assemble.  The Board may grant an extension to this initial period on a case by case basis at the owner’s request.  The homeowner’s request for an extension must include a justification for why the board should grant the extension.  Once the temporary structure has been disassembled it cannot be reassembled for 1 year without the consent of the SHOA Board of Directors.
Any homeowner having been notified that a temporary structure needs to be removed from their property has two weeks to remove the structure; or they could be subject to a $10 per day assessment while the structure remains assembled.

Seller's packet

Sudley Home Owners Association's Covenants and Regulations were created in 1968 to clearly outline the rules and limitations that all homeowners in the Association must adhere to. 

At purchase time, homeowners automatically become members of SHOA which is empowered by the State of Virginia to enforce its Covenants. Any homeowner in violation of Covenants will receive written notice of infractions. The Board gives ample time and latitude to make corrections when asked, but if left unheeded, leaves no other option but to levy fines.

All sellers (whether owner-sellers or realtors) are required to provide a copy of the SHOA Disclosure Packet to the new homeowners. This packet includes valuable information such as By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation, and Covenants and Regulations. In addition the settlement agent is given a status of the property (i.e. no violations, all dues paid, information on any outstanding fines or liens, etc).

To obtain a Disclosure Packet, call MJF Associates at 703 369-6535.



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